Thursday, 14th December.
Six weeks
In my last sunny entry, I mentioned that Brendan is slack, to
put it one way, about doing the washing up. Well since I vented
my spleen in glorious 1s and 0s, there has been an improvement!
I suspect he might be getting Emily to do the washing up, but I
don't care as long as one of them does it! (Maybe they're reading
this website, and just aren't telling me? Well here's another
hint Brendan - your room stinks! You can smell it as you walk by in
the hall.)
Now I have been making an effort to be friendly to them. Emily
was up and about as I was getting ready for work this morning, and
I said hello to her, which was a big effort for pre-shower Ian.
Then a cheery "see ya!" as I ran out the door.
This evening, as I sat sprawled on the couch, I heard Emily come
in. What followed is entirely typical of what goes on at Mirabel
Road. She pottered about in the kitchen, ate some food (in the
kitchen), spent some quality time in the bathroom and then went to
bed. All without even popping her head round the door in the living
room and saying hi to me! Ok, ok, she might've been in a bad mood
and felt particularly uncommunicative, but this is the way it goes
any time they come home while I'm in the house! What a sociable
Six weeks and I'm outta there.