Wednesday, 25th October.
I had planned to do this entry in rhyming couplets, but you try and find something
that rhymes with Heidelberg!
So, in a very dull and unimaginative narrative style: I wandered around Hannover,
looked at stuff, took photos of stuff, took the train to Heidelberg, sat in the smoking
section by mistake, moved to non-smoking, got to Heidelberg, checked in at youth
hostel, got put in a girls room, then was given a different room much to my chagrin,
went back into Heidelberg, as I got off the bus I met a girl called Kirstin, she
invited me to an organ
recital (keep it clean kids) at Peterskirche, it turned out to be a reading
interspersed with pipe organ pieces played with gusto, middle-class arty types in the
main, they all speak English, Kirstin is from Koln (Cologne) and spent seven months
in Australia picking fruit (that's a lot of fruit) and is studying music and German,
I'm just an idiot in Heidelberg.
And she gave me a dodgy email address. Oh well.