Sunday, 2nd April.
Where are the keys?
"I think I'm going to have to open up the Chop Shop" said Jules.
And so began a follicular adventure.
"Do you know what the Chop Shop is?" asked Simon. I had to confess that I didn't,
in fact I had no bloody idea. "My barnet needs doing" said Jules.
The guys have their own clipper set, and when one of them needs a haircut they
open up the Chop Shop. "Do you reckon I can find the keys, Si?" "I don't know,
So later in the afternoon the Chop Shop opened. Basically you whip off your shirt
(settle down, ladies!) and nominate the clipper. "Number four on top!"
Jules was in command as my locks were shorn. I was overdue for a haircut.
Well overdue.
There were reports that my hair could be seen from some of the Low Countries,
depending on weather conditions. I could barely get through the revolving door at
work on Friday.